Abstract: This study aims to emphasize the importance and necessity of vocabulary teaching in junior middle school; and through the analysis of cases on the association memorizing method in junior middle school, to further know the application of association memorizing method, so as to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of association memorizing method; and to provide some feasible suggestions in order to improve the use of this method; to improve the efficacy and interest of vocabulary teaching and propel students’s interests in learning. In this paper, based on the theoretical analysis and cases, it can be concluded that as long as teachers and students know and use the association memorizing method properly, association memorizing method is bound to play a positive and effective role in junior middle school.
Key words: junior English; associative memory; vocabulary teaching
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review of the Association Memorizing Method.2
3. The Application of Association Memorizing Method in Junior Middle School4
3.1 Different Cases about the Association Memorizing Method
3.2 The Analysis on the Association Memorizing Method
3.2.1 The Advantages of the Association Memorizing Method
3.2.1 The Disdvantages of the Association Memorizing Method
4. Some Suggestions for Teachers and Students.8
4.1 Suggestions for Teachers
4.2 Suggestions for Students
5. Conclusion11