This thesis is based on the studies of effect of cooperative learning in junior high school English classroom. Many educators put forward the new teaching model-cooperative learning, which is formed by cooperative group discussion. It emphasizes the interaction between students and students and teachers and students and is evaluated by individual and group performance. Its necessity and practical significance are introduced in the introduction. Then, the writer introduces some theories of cooperative learning: Interactive hypothesis theory, recent development area theory, constructivism theory and second language acquisition theory. In the following cases study, the author gives several examples of the implementing of each theory in junior high school English class. At last, some suggestions are given on how to carry out cooperative learning well.
Keywords: junior high school English; cooperative learning; learning effect
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
2.1 Interactive hypothesis theory-2
2.2 Recent development area theory-3
2.3 Constructivism theory-4
2.4 Second language acquisition theory-5
3. Instances of Cooperative Learning in Junior High School English Classroom-5
3.1 Instances of Interactive hypothesis theory-5
3.2 Instances of recent development area theory-6
3.3 Instances of constructivism theory-7
3.4 Intances of second language acquisition theory-8
4. Some Suggestions on Implementing Cooperative Learning in Junior Middle School English Classroom-9
5. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-11