In 1980s, a new method-the Task-based Learning which is based on some of the traditional teaching methods became popular in west countries. In the 1990s, it was introduced into China. After series of teaching practice, most education researchers and teachers agree that Task-based Learning is an efficient teaching method. In 2001 and 2011, New Criteria for English Course in Middle School was issued by the Ministry of Education and it claimed clearly that English teachers should apply the Task-based Learning to class innovatively and change their traditional teaching method, so that it can promote students to be more autonomous and be helpful for students’ all-round development.
This paper aims to investigate the application and problems of Task-based Learning in English Teaching in junior high schools, and find some solutions to help teachers make the TBLT more suitable and effective to improve the quality of teaching. In this paper, I mainly talk about the definition of Task-based Learning, the principles of Task-based Learning, the theoretical basis, and etc. This paper also investigates TBLT through the questionnaire survey, interview and the classroom observation. The results show that Task-based Learning is feasible and effective in junior high schools, but it also shows some problems met through teaching.
Key Words: The task; Task-based Learning; English teaching in junior middle schools; The theoretical basis
1 Introduction-2
2 Literature Review-3
2.1 Concepts related to Task-based Learning-3
2.1.1 The definition of a “task”-3
2.1.2 The definition of Task-based Learning-3
2.1.3 The principles of Task-based Learning-4
2.2 The domestic and foreign research of Task-based Learning-5
2.2.1 The foreign research of Task-based Learning-5
2.2.2 The domestic research of Task-based Learning-6
2.3 Theoretical Basis-7
2.3.1 Cognitive Theory-7
2.3.2 Interaction Theory-8
2.3.3 Sociocultural Theory-8
2.3.4 Constructivism Theory-9
3 Methodology-10
4 Research Design-11
4.1 The research question-11
4.2 The research object-11
4.3 The research method-11
4.3.1 Questionnaire Survey-11
4.3.2 Interview-11
4.3.3 Classroom observation-12
4.4 The procedure of the research-12
4.5 Data collection-12
4.5.1 The questionnaire-13
4.5.2 The interview-13
4.5.3 The classroom observation-13
5 Results and Analysis-14
5.1 Results and analysis of the questionnaire-14
5.2 Results and analysis of the interview-19
5.3 Results and analysis of the classroom observation-20
6 Conclusion-21
Appendix one-23
Appendix Two-25
Appendix Three-26