ABSTRACT: English has become a compulsory course for Chinese junior high school students for several decades in China. Grammar learning is an important part of English learning, and the overall status of grammar has experienced dynamic changes with the predominant pedagogy over a specific period of time from the overwhelming dominance and absolute authority to a firm opposition and strong criticism of grammar and finally to a resurgence of attention and interests in recent years. Then what’s the current situation of junior high school students’ grammar learning? This thesis aims at finding out the existing problems of current students’ grammar learning and then to promote their grammar learning. The thesis adopts the means of questionnaires and interviews to investigate the situation of junior high school students’ grammar learning and obtain some accurate data for future grammar teaching.
Key words: Junior high school students; English grammar learning; the current situation of grammar learning
1. Introduction-5
1.1 Research Background-5
1.2 Research Purpose-7
1.3 Significance of the Research-7
1.4 Structure of the Dissertation-8
2. Literature Review-8
2.1 The Definition of Grammar-8
2.2-The Classification of Grammar-9
2.3 The Role of Grammar Learning in English Learning-10
2.4 The Limitations of Previous Grammar Teaching-11
2.5 The Traditional Authority of the Grammar-Translation Method-11
3. Research Design and Methods-12
3.1 Research Questions-12
3.2 Research Subjects-13
3.3 Research Methods-13
3.3.1 Questionnaires-14
3.3.2 Interview-15
3.3.3 Data Analysis-15
4. Findings and Discussion-16
4.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Results from Questionnaires-16
4.1.1 Current Situation of Students' English Language Learning-16
4.1.2 Current Situation of Students' Understanding of Grammar-18
4.1.3 Current Situation of Students' Efforts on Grammar Learning and on English Learning.-19
4.1.4 Current Situation of Grammar Learning Methods Adopted in English Learning-20
4.1.5 Current Situation of Students’ Confidence to Achieve More Improvements in Future Grammar Learning.-21
4.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Results From Interviews-22
5. Conclusion-23
5.1 Implications of the Research-23
5.2 Limitations of the Research-24
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research-25
Appendix 1-25
Appendix 2-27