1.Introduction ..1
1.1 Background of the Research .1
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research ..1
1.2.1 Purpose of the Research ..1
1.2.2 Significance of the Research .2
1.3 Questions and Methods of the Research .2
1.4 Overall Structure of the Research .2
2. Literature Review ..4
2.1 Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching .4
2.2 Multimodality and Multimodal Teaching .4
2.3 Narrative Approach and Narrative Teaching .5
2.4 Overview of Multimodal Narrative Approach Researches .6
3. Research on the Current Vocabulary Teaching of Jianan Junior School in Foshan .7
3.1 Participants of the Research ..7
3.2 Procedure of the Research .7
3.3 Problems of the Vocabulary Teaching of Jianan Junior School in Foshan .7
4. Strategies for Junior English Vocabulary Teaching ..9
4.1 Making Preparation for Multimodal Narrative Teaching ..9
4.2 Creating Multimodal Narrative Environment for the Teaching Process .9
4.3 Arranging Tasks for Multimodal Narrative Learning .10
4.4 Making Multi-evaluation Throughout the Teaching Process ..11
5. Conclusion ..12
5.1 Summary of the Research .12
5.2 Limitations and Prospects .12
References .14