Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1
1.2 Thesis Structure-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Functional Equivalence Theory-3
2.2 Functional Equivalence Applied in Subtitle Translation and in Humor Translation-4
Chapter Three Reasons for the Lack of Humor in Subtitle Translation and the Solutions ----A Case Study of The IT Crowd-6
3.1 Catalogues of Humor in The IT Crowd-6
3.2 Reasons for the Lack of Humor in Subtitle Translation in The IT Crowd-7
3.2.1 Linguistic Differences Between English and Chinese-7
3.2.2 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese-8
3.3 Solutions to the Lack of Humor in Subtitle Translation in The IT Crowd-9
3.3.1 Solutions Based on Language-9
3.3.2 Solutions Based on Culture-10
Chapter Four Conclusion-12
4.1 Major Findings of the Study-12
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions-12
Cultural communication has become more and more popular and important, which let quantities of English sitcoms be introduced into China. Nevertheless, for different languages and cultural differences, subtitle translation faces a big problem. During humor translation, sometimes translators can’t convey what the original products want to deliver so that audience can’t understand the original meaning or achieve joy. Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory points out that target readers and audience should get the same reflection as the original readers and audience feel to the original text. “Naturalness”, “closeness”, “equivalence”, put forward by him, can efficiently improve this problem.
This thesis studies the British sitcom The IT Crowd on the basis of Functional Equivalence to discuss reasons for the lack of English humor in subtitle translation by Ragbear Industry:the linguistic differences and cultural differences between Chinese and British. And the author points out that translators should find the strategies from linguistic and cultural aspects.
Keywords: Functional Equivalence; subtitle translation; lack of humor; solutions