Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background of This Study-1
1.2 Significance of This Study-1
1.3 Structure of This Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Skopos Theory-3
2.2 Previous Studies on Government Website Translation-3
2.2.1 Translation of Government Websites Based on Adaptation Theory-3
2.2.2 Translation of Government Websites Based on Communication Studies-4
2.2.3 Translation of Government Websites Based on Text Typology-4
Chapter Three Analysis of C-E Translation Errors on Government Websites Based on Skopos Theory-6
3.1 Linguistic Translation Errors-6
3.1.1 Spelling Mistakes-6
3.1.2 Grammatical Mistakes-7
3.2 Cultural Translation Errors-7
3.2.1 Ignoring the Cultural Psychology of Receivers-8
3.2.2 Lacking Annotations of Culture-specific Items-8
3.3 Pragmatic Translation Errors-9
3.3.1 Redundancy-10
3.3.2 Word-for-word Translation-10
Chapter Four Strategies for Improving C-E Translation of Government Websites-12
4.1 Establishing a Set of Effective Supervision and Assessment Mechanisms-12
4.2 Improving Translation Skills of Translators-13
4.3 Introducing Talents and Enriching Website Construction Resource Pool-13
Chapter Five Conclusion-15
5.1 Findings-15
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study-15
The English version of government website is an important part of China’s external publicity and an effective way to build an international image. However, the quality of government website translation is not satisfactory due to some language mistakes. Taking Yangzhou Government’s English Website as an example, this thesis conducts an investigation of translation errors (linguistic, cultural and pragmatic errors) based on Skopos theory by German Functionalists Nord and Reiss. Besides, some strategies are put forward to improve its translation quality. The main errors including spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, ignoring the cultural psychology of receivers, lacking annotations of culture-specific items, redundancy and word-for-word translation are discussed in the thesis. This study can offer a new perspective for C-E translation of government websites and make it more readable and acceptable to foreigners in order to achieve the goal of external publicity.
Keywords: Skopos theory government English websites translation errors