Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, technical translation has been taken as a branch of translation studies and has drawn a lot of attention from translation circle. Although scholars study the technical translation from various aspects, the view can still be expanded and deepened. Such being the case, the paper, supported by a large number of samples, aims to analyze the syntacticfeaturesofscientificwriting and discuss its translation methods.
Key words: scientific writing;syntactic features;translation
2. SyntacticFeaturesofScientificWriting.2
2.1Extensive Useof Passive Sentence
2.2Extensive Useof Long Sentence
2.3Extensive Useof Nominalization
2.4Extensive Useof Non-finite Verb
3.Translation of Scientific Writing..5
3.1Translation of Passive Sentence
3.2Translation of Long Sentence
3.2.1 Literal Translation
3.2.2 Reverse Translation
3.2.3 Division
3.2.4 Combination
3.3Translation of Nominalization
3.4Translation of Non-finite Verb
4. Conclusion....9