Abstract: Under the guidance of Skopostheory, based on the existing cosmetic brand names and its translation, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the translation of cosmetic brand names and the strategies of cosmetic brand names translation, to understand the rules and principles that should be followed in the process translation of cosmetic brand names. It is found that there is no perfect translation method. The ultimate goal of translation is to attract consumers’ attention and promote sales, so it should be based on the needs of the target people. On this basis, with the appropriate translation method, paying attention to the various factors, a good cosmetic brand name translation appears.
Key words: cosmetic brand name translation; skopostheory; influencing factors; translation methods
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review1
2.1 The Introduction of Skopostheory
2.2 Research of Translation of Cosmetic Brand Names
3. Factors Influencing Translation of Cosmetic Brand Names3
3.1 Cultural Factors
3.1.1 Different Thought Pattern
3.1.2 Different Cultural Connotations
3.2 Consumer Psychology
3.2.1 Marketing and Consumer Psychology
3.2.2 Consumer Psychology in Cosmetic Brand Names Translation
3.3 Aesthetic Factors
4. Strategies for Translation of Cosmetic Brand Names.6
4.1 Transliteration
4.2 Literal Translation
4.3 Free Translation
4.4 Transliteration plus Free Translation
5. Conclusion 10