Abstract: Moment in Peking takes the development of Chinese society and culture as the background, involving a lot of cultural information. The study of Chinese versions of Moment in Peking has been a hotspot of translators, but most of the studies are directed only at one version of them. This paper tries to compare the translation of culture-loaded words in the two Chinese versions of Zhang Zhenyu and Yu Fei with detailed examples, based on the categorization of culture-loaded words made by Nida. According to this paper, both Zhang Zhenyu and Yu Fei strive to highly represent the characteristics of language and culture in the original with their own styles. Zhang Zhenyu reflects the intention of communication in the original effectively, successfully transforming English with color of Western culture into Chinese with oriental features. Yu Fei is faithful to the original to the greatest extent, and his version clearly reflects the “Beijing flavor”.
Key words: Moment in Peking; culture-loaded words; comparative study on two versions
1. Introduction..1
1.1The Definition and Categorization of Culture-loaded Words
1.2 Previous Studies on Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Moment in Peking
2. Author and Translators 2
2.1A Brief Introduction of Lin Yutang
2.2A Brief Introduction of Translators
3. Comparison of Two Versions...4
3.1 Ecological Culture
3.2 Material Culture
3.3 Social Culture
3.4 Religious Culture
3.5 Idiomatic Expression
4. Findings....9
5. Conclusion