With the speeding up of globalization, the cultural exchange between China and the United States is deepening. The film and television works, as one of the means of cultural transmission, is popular in china. A lot of American sitcoms as a carrier of culture and humor provide Chinese people much entertainment for their busy life. However, some subtitle translation was uneven, and there was a lack of expressiveness in the humor language, which could not trigger resonates with Chinese audiences. Skopos theory, established by German linguists Hans Vermeer and Katharina Reil, provides an insight into the nature of translation as a purposeful activity, which is directly applicable to every translation project. Skopos theory holds the idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into account the function of the target text. It consists of skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. In view of this, it is necessary to study the subtitle translation of the humorous language in American sitcoms. Based on three principles of Skopos Theory, this thesis aims to study how to meet the needs of people with different cultural backgrounds by the analysis of subtitle translation in sitcoms Two Broke Girls(Season Six).
Keywords: subtitle translation; skopos theory ; sitcom
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Previous studies on subtitle translation-1
2.2 Previous studies on skopos theory-3
3. An Analysis on the Subtitle Translation in the Two Broke Girls Season Six under the Guidance of the Skopos Theory-5
3.1 Application of skopos rule-6
3.2 Application of coherence rule-8
3.3 Application of fidelity Rule-10
4. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-12