Language is a carrier of culture which reflects culture and helps form a cultural mode. Translation involves several communicative acts which represent respective culture of nations. Among types of translation, idiom translation is a typical process for presenting cultural characteristics of the source language. This paper makes an investigation of cultural factors influencing idiom translation like religion, customs, psychological association, mode of thinking, and then proposes some strategies for idiom translation.
Keywords: cultural differences; outlook on life and value; strategies for idiom translation
2. Literature Review-2
3. Definitions of Culture and Idiom-2
3.1 Culture-3
3.2 Idiom-3
4. Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Idioms-4
4.1 Convention, religion and history-4
4.2 Psychological association-6
4.3 Mode of thinking-6
4.4 Outlook on life and value-7
5.Difficulties in Idiom Translation-9
5.1Unequivalence of Chinese and English idioms-9
5.2Distorting meaning of idioms-9
5.3Conventional usage-10
6.Strategies for Idiom Translation-10
6.1Literal translation-10
6.2Free translation-10
6.4Additional translation-11
6.5 Combination of literal and free translation-12
7. Conclusion-12
Works Cited-14