With the rapid development of globalization, foreign movies stream into domestic film market and Chinese movies are also introduced into foreign markets. Films have become an important form for cultural exchange between the East and West. The film title translation is a purposeful, communicative and intercultural activity which is crucial to the success of film promotion. The thesis, based on the Skopostheorie, intends to explore the translating rules and methods of film title translation through a lot of specific examples. It also presents a detailed analysis of translating features and methods of film title translation in Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The thesis proposes that the film title translation should remain the cultural differences and focus on the demand of the audiences, thus achieving its business purpose.
Keywords: film title translation; Skopostheorie; translation methods
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
2.1 Previous studies on the Skopostheorie-2
2.2 Previous studies on the film title translation-6
3. Features and Purposes of Film Titles-7
3.1 Features of film titles-7
3.2 Purposes of film titles-8
4. The Application of Skopostheorie in the Translation of Film Titles-9
4.1 Rules of the film title translation from the Skopostheorie-9
4.2 Methods of the film title translation from the Skopostheorie-11
4.3 Comparison of the film title translation in Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan from the Skopostheorie-12
5. Conclusion-15
Works Cited-16