With the development of financial globalization, the war of marketing competition becomes more and more fierce. Advertisement played a very important role in the whole process especially financial advertisement, which has a huge effect on promotion business. And that advertisement translation has become a pop issue for the translators and scholars to research. This thesis started from traditional translation principles. It based on the great translator and linguist Nida, whose famous theory of “Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory”, and also combined with relevant commercial advertisement brand culture. Therefore gave a deep research on commercial advertisement translation. According to the concrete case and data analysis, the author gave the famous French female perfume “Chanel” as example and had analyzed three basic advertisement translation principles under its brand culture. They are conciseness, creativity, persuasion.
Generally speaking, through writing this thesis, the author tries to explain clearly these for advertisement translation principles are practicable, directive, extensible.
Key words: advertisement translation principle brand culture Functional Equivalence Theory.
1 Introduction-1
2 Literature Review-2
2.1 Traditional Translation Principles-2
2.2 Advertisement Translation Study-3
2.3Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-4
3 Theoretical Basis-5
3.1 Culture Study on Translation-5
3.2 Brand Cultural Study on Advertisement Translation-7
4 Data Analysis-9
4.1 A Brief Introduction of Chanel Perfume-9
4.2 The Brand Culture of Chanel Perfume-10
4.3 Advertisement Translation under Its Brand Culture-11
5 Conclusion-13