The globalization has provided a platform for Chinese culture to communicate with others. According to traditional thoughts, Chinese people appreciate the use of repetition, parallelism and asymmetry. Hence, Chinese binary organization is common in Chinese. While in English and American cultures, repeated and wordy expressions are usually taboos in their languages. In light of this, to better understand and conduct translation, it is necessary to have a deep analysis of Chinese binary organization.
On the basis of the previous work, this essay makes a comprehensive analysis of Chinese binary organization. Then, large numbers of examples are applied to make a comparison between Chinese and English structures. In this essay, the three techniques of omission- omission in juxtaposition, omission in subordination and omission in reconstruction- are put forward to conduct more appropriate translation. Finally, the essay reaches a conclusion about the translation of Chinese binary organization in the hope of providing little help for the translation of such issues.
Key words: Chinese binary organization; English unitary organization; omission in juxtaposition; omission in subordination; omission in reconstruction
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Purpose of the Research-1
1.2 Significance of the Research-1
1.3 Layout of the Research-2
2 Literature Review-2
2.1 Definition of Chinese Binary Organization-2
2.2 Characteristics of Chinese Binary Organization-4
2.2.1 Semantic Unity-4
2.2.2 Structural Stability-5
2.2.3 Rhetoric Devices-5
3 The Analysis of Chinese Binary Organization-6
3.1 Chinese Binary Organization vs. English Unitary Organization-6
3.2 Chinese Binary Organization vs. English Binary Organization-7
3.3 Chinese Binary Organization vs. English Multiple Organization-7
3.4 Chinese Ternary Organization vs. English Unitary Organization-8
3.5 Chinese Ternary Organization vs. English Binary Organization-8
3.6 Chinese Ternary Organization vs. English Ternary Organization-9
3.7 Chinese Multiple Organization vs. English Multiple Organization-9
4 Strategies and Techniques to the Translation of Chinese Binary Organization-10
4.1 Strategies of the Translation of Chinese Binary Organization-10
4.1.1 The Strategy of Foreignization-10
4.1.2 The Strategy of Domestication-11
4.2 Techniques to the Translation of Chinese Binary Organization-12
4.2.1 Omission in Juxtaposition-12
4.2.2 Omission in Subordination-13
4.2.3 Omission in Reconstruction-14
5 Conclusion-15