Abstract:This paper addresses the issue of localization in the video game The Witcher 3 focusing on the different strategies to be used from the point of view of Translation Studies. As the narrative techniques and the story lines of video games have become more complex and well-developed, the adaptation of games entails a serious challenge for translators. Video games have evolved into multimodal and multidimensional products and new approaches and insights are required when studying the adaptation of games into different cultures. Electronic entertainment provides an interesting way of playing,but barely explored corpus of analysis for Translation Studies, not only from the point of view of localization but also concerning audiovisual translation.
Key words: localization; video games; multimodal; multidimensional; electronic entertainment
I.-The Characteristics of Video Game Subtitle Translation-3
A.-Time Limit-3
B.-Space Restrictions-3
C.-Easy to Understand-4
II.-Analysis of the Features of The Witcher 3 Translation-5
A.-Special Events of the Game-5
B.-Game Terms-6
III.-The Application of Subtitle Translation Strategy in The Witcher 3-8
A.-Domestication Strategy-8
B.-Colloquial Strategies-9
C.-No Translation-10
D.-Literal Translation and Free Translation-11