This Book The book you’ve Got to Read is a chicken soup novel. The author Jack Canfield is a famous American author. He writes the series novel Chicken Soup for the Soul. In this book, 55 people tell their own stories and introduce the book which impressed them most. This is the reason why I chose the book to do my translation. When I read this entire book, I chose four stories to complete my translation.
The first story I translated is Rudy Ruettiger. Rudy was the famous player in America. He read the book Psycho-Cybernetics. After reading this book, he continued to pursue his own dream. Finally, he became a famous player.
In the second story, Danny Edward Scott Casalenuovo was disguised as a policeman so he was put into the prison. In his low period, he read the book that was called Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul. From this book, he found the new objective for his future.
The third story was about Farrah Gray. He was a 21-year-old boy and he got successful after learning some experience from the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
The last story was talking about Louise Hay. It described him how to get the new direction from the book The Game of Life and How to Play It.