本课题选取弗兰克斯托克顿的《Captain Eli’s Best Ear》作为翻译对象。全文48页, 8000多字,文章难度适中,不过长难句处,对话处理棘手。通读全文,主人公是两位退休船长。内容关于两位船长的退休生活细节。文章细致的描写了两位船长退休后的生活细节和心理描写。文章对于景物的描写主要以比喻拟人的手法呈现,需要适当的语句才能体现原文的句意。全文有着大量的人物对话,句短但句意深刻,需要联系上下文,揣摩深层意思。
课题分为两个部分:1翻译部分 2论文部分 。
1.翻译部分:本次翻译实践选取《Captain Eli’s Best Ear》全文,内容关于两位船长退休后的生活。首先讲述了圣诞节来临村民所做的准备与两位船长的不作为对比,在两人对话中引出原因:两人没有孩子没有家人。而后两人在对话中提出要给村中一个身世悲惨的小女孩过圣诞节,所以他们为这小女孩过圣诞节做准备。两人先去砍圣诞树,装扮它。然后因为两个男人都不会照顾孩子,所以引出特里默夫人,一个善良的离异女人。在圣诞前夕的夜晚,伊莱船长因为他的一只耳朵听力好,听见海上呼救声,救回来了特里默夫人的弟弟。在圣诞节这天,伊莱船长宣布要和特里默夫人结婚。五个人过了快乐的圣诞节。而小女孩则被伊莱夫妇领养了。一篇关于给他人找爱,自己追爱的故事。
The selection of translation practice is the whole story of Captain Eli’s Best Ear. The passage has not been translated by now and is at proper difficulty. The full text of 48 pages, more than 8000 words, and has some long difficult sentences. Thus the dialogue is difficult to deal get the right meaning. The main characters are two retired captain. The story has detailed description of the two captains’ retired life, including the details of life and psychological description. In this paper, the description of the scene is mainly in the way of metaphor and personification. It needs some time to think so as to get the right meaning. This paper has a lot of dialogues, mainly are many short sentences. Translators should contact the context to get the deep meaning of the sentences.
The project is divided into two parts: the translation and the essay.
Part one is translation of Captain Eli’s Best Ear full text, and the content is mainly about two captains’ retired lives. When Christmas Day was coming, the villagers were busy with preparing. But the two captains were doing nothing like the past few years, because they didn’t have any kids. After seeing people preparing for Christmas, Captain Eli discussed with his friend to celebrate Christmas Day this year. They were determined to give an orphan girl a happy Christmas Day. Preparations were caught out including cutting Christmas tree, decorating the tree and the most important thing—welcoming the little girl. After everything was done, they thought both of them had no experience of taking care of children, so they invited Mrs. Trimmer who was a kind widow to take part in their Christmas celebration. While on the Christmas Eve, Captain Eli heard somebody crying for help because of his lying with his best ear uppermost. They found a seafaring man who was Mrs. Trimmer’s brother unexpectedly. On Christmas day, the Captain Eli announced to get married to Mrs. Trimmer. Five people had a happy Christmas. And the little girl was adopted by Captain Eli couple. This tale is just about a person help others to seek love and chase their happiness.
Part two is about the tips of translation. The style of the passage is fairy tale, which has many long difficult sentences. So translation experience is mainly about complex English sentence structure as the basic point to carry out. Taking difficult long sentences and English dialogue for example, according to the different habits of sentence structure in English and Chinese, it is important to select appropriate sentence structure in translation to get the right meaning of original text. The problems encountered in the process of translation are analyzed and the suggestions of solving the problems are given in this essay.