《白色柳条上的血》是一部惊悚小说。小说主人公Victoria Masters在经受了寄养家庭的不愉快和养父的凌辱之后,终于不堪忍受离开寄养家庭踏上漂泊的社会道路,漂泊途中一个神秘男子收留了她。住进了男子的住宅之后,主人公开始不断做一个诡异的梦,而且每次到梦境关键的时候,她的梦就醒了。
<Blood on white wicker> is a horror fiction.After being raped by her foster father,she could not bear it and ran away from the home.When she was outside the home,she met with a strange man called Dave.He accepted her,but after living in his house,she began nightmares every day.What’s more,when she was in key of the dream,she always woke up.
Translator choose the one,two and three chapter to translate.
From the content point of view,chapter one mainly tells that Masters leave her home and accept the help of Dave.From the conversation of them,Dave seems a good man and Masters think so.Chapter two mainly tells that Masters arrive Dave’s house and the experience of hilarity with other people.After hilarity,drunk Dave nearly raped Masters,and the real appearance of Dave seems to appear.Chapter three mainly tells Masters began to learn something from her nightmare and find some relation between the nightmare and Dave’s house.