关键词: 目的论;猫鼠游戏; 字幕翻译
Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Research Background1
1.2 Research Purpose.1
1.3 Research Method1
1.4 Thesis Structure2
Chapter 2 Functionalist Skopostheorie3
2.1 Development and Definition of German Functionalism.3
2.2 Three Rules in Skopos Theory4
2.2.1 Skopos Rule4
2.2.2 Coherence Rule4
2.2.3 Fidelity Rule.4
2.3 Translation Strategies Adopted by Skopos Theory.5
2.3.1 Documentary Translation.5
2.3.2 Instrumental Translation6
Chapter 3 Subtitle Translation7
3.1 Brief Introduction to Subtitle Translation.7
3.1.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation7
3.1.2 Characteristics of Subtitle Translation.8
3.1.3 Principles of Subtitle Translation9
3.1.4 Techniques Adopted in Subtitle Translation9
3.2 Subtitle Translation Research9
Chapter 4 Case Study of White Collar.11
4.1 Brief Introduction to White Collar.11
4.2 Application of Functional Skopos Theory to White Collar11
Chapter 5 Conclusion14