Abstract: The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is one of the most famous masterpieces of the American author Francis Scott Fitzgerald and is considered as a symbol of American literature in the “Jazz Age”. The women characters are very important in this work, and they play a significant role in reflecting the theme of the novel. Almost all the main women characters in The Great Gatsby are the tragic victims of their social status. In this paper, I turn to analyze the connection between their tragic destiny and their social status in Jazz Age.
Key words: The Great Gatsby the Jazz Age woman’s tragic destiny woman’s social status
Chapter One Daisy's Tragic Destiny and Her Social Status-1
1.1 Daisy’s Tragic Destiny and Her First Choice between Gatsby and Tom-2
1.2 Daisy's Tragic Life under the Authority of Her Husband-3
1.3 Daisy's Social Status and her Second Choice between Gatsby and Tom-4
1.4 Nick’s Opinion about Daisy-5
Chapter Two Myrtle's Tragic Destiny and Her Social Status-6
2.1 Myrtle's Social Status and Her Materialistic Desire-7
2.2 Myrtle’s Dissatisfaction with Her Husband-8
2.3 Myrtle's Failure to Be an Upper-class Woman and Her Tragic Destiny.-8
Chapter Three Jordan's Tragic Destiny and Her Social Status-9
3.1 Jordan's Social Status and Her Personality-9
3.2 Jordan's Role as a New Woman and Her Decent Job-10
3.3 Jordan's Tragic Destiny of Being Abandoned by Nick-10
Chapter Four Analysis and Conclusion of the Same Destiny of the Three Women-10
4.1 The Man-dominated Society and Woman’s Social Status-12
4.2 Women’s Greedy Nature and Their Unrealistic Dream-13
4.3 Men’s Prejudice and Enmity to Women-13