The Great Gatsby, the masterpiece of F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a medium-length novel based on New York upper-class society in 1920s. The whole story is narrated by Nick who is both the character and the narrator. However, Nick’s narration is unreliable because of some restricted ingredients. The thesis focuses on the theme meaning and vagueness from the angle of the unreliable narration which affects other characters.
Key words: The Great Gatsby; narration; vagueness; American Dream
1 Introduction1
1.1 Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby.1
1.2 Brief introduction of unreliable narration.1
2 The unreliable narrator — Nick.2
2.1. Unreliability of Nick’s expression.2
2.2. Effect of his narration on his own figure.3
3 Vague image of the hero — Gatsby4
3.1. The ambivalence of Gatsby’s own statement5
3.2. Gatsby’s image in Nick’s opinion6
4 The vague female figure — Jordan7
4.1. Jordan’s manly appearance and anecdotes.7
4.2. Effect of Nick’s narration on Jordan.8
5 The ambivalent thematic concern9
5.1. The romantic illusion of the traditional American Dream.9
5.2. The inherent ruthlessness of the American Dream10
6 Conclusion.11