Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of international circulation of commodities and cultural exchange, how to perfectly translate advertising and attract customers have become the focus. In the past, in China, the translation was always limiting to the traditional translation principle "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance". But the traditional translation theory mainly worked for the literary translation. However, the literary translation just made content and formed to perfect and unified. Advertising translation is a subject about applicable translation, it’s different from literary translation. Therefore, Chinese traditional translation theory is not suitable to direct advertising translation.
Skopostheory comes by the need. In 1978, in Katharina Reiss’s basis, her student Vermeer established the translation skopostheory, and free the language translation from the traditional translation further. He thought that translation is a kind of transition activityy, and human behavior. It exited in every action purpose. So, he named this theory as the skopostheory.
The skopostheory has three principles: skopos principle, coherence principle and loyalty principle. In the process of translation, the strategy of translation will always be depended on the "people-oriented" translation standards.
By giving the translator more freedom and right to choose how to translate, translation skopos theory makes advertising translation subject more mature and finally to be a professional career in the world.
Key Words: Advertising; advertising translation; translation of skopos; skopostheory; translation strategies
摘要:随着与国际商品流通和文化交流日益频繁,如何更好地翻译广告,吸引客户已成为人们关注的焦点。在过去, 中国的翻译一直受制于传统的“信、达、雅”原则, 而这些传统翻译理论大部分只适用于文学翻译, 但是文学翻译仅局限于如何使在内容和形式的完美统一。而广告翻译是翻译的应用,它不同于文学翻译。因此, 中国传统翻译理论不再适用于指导广告翻译。
目的论应运而生。1978年, 凯瑟琳娜·赖斯的学生威密尔在她的基础上建立了翻译目的论,进一步把原语言翻译从困境中解放出来。他认为, 翻译是一种过渡活动, 也是一种人类行为。 每一个行动都会目的,所以,他命名这个理论为目的论。