With the blossom of global business activities, Business English is baked into the trend of the world. Business English Linguistics thus remains to be a momentous part in such trend. Although the concept has been put forward, we are completely in the dark about the subject construction of BEL. Based on the introduction of Business English and relative study on Business English Linguistics, this thesis aims at discussing the possibility of making BEL a subject from four aspects: The definition of BEL, the development prospects of BEL, the importance of Business English in global trade and the theoretical basis of the BEL subject construction. The theoretical framework of BEL is also the focal point and is deep analyzed in this paper.
Key words: Business English Linguistics; subject construction; theoretical basis; subject category;theoretical framework
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review-.2
3. The Practicality of the Discipline Construction of BEL3
3.1 The Definition of BEL-3
3.2 The Development Prospects of BEL.3
3.3The Positive Effects that Business English as a subject has on BEL discipline construction.4
4. The Theoretical Basis of BEL5
4.1 The Increasing Significance of Business English from the perspective of history study5
4.2 The Analysis of Theoretical Basis from the Perspective of Subject Category6
4.3 Theoretical Framework of BEL6
5. The Existing Problems of Making BEL a Subject11
6. Conclusion.12
Works Cited-13