Abstract:As we know that China’s entrance into the WTO stimulates trades all around the world, a lot of business negotiations between countries need to be done around the world, especially trades and negotiations with America. People are interested in learning nonverbal communication skills, especially for those businessmen who want to expand their businesses abroad. Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in international business negotiation, which accounts for a heavy load over the conversation. Kinesics, as the most important part of nonverbal communication, servers the most in the business negotiation. To learn more kinesics can help businessmen a lot in business negotiations. In this dissertation, the author tries to analyze and compare different behaviors of kinesics, which are shown on the negotiation table between China and America, in order to help to smooth the negotiation process; and it can also facilitate the business cooperation.
Key words: kinesics; business negotiation; China and America; nonverbal communication
摘 要:我们都知道中国的入世促成了许多对外商务活动,许多国际间的商务谈判需要进行,尤其是和美国进行贸易以及谈判。越来越多的人热衷于学习非语言交际技巧,尤其是那些有意将生意扩展到国外的商人。非语言交际在商务谈判中的运用占很大比例起着重要作用。体势语作为非语言交际行为中最为重要的组成部分在商务谈判中起着举足轻重的地位。学习更多的体势语有利于商人进行商务谈判的进行。因此,在本文中,作者就分析和比较中美双方在商务谈判中的体态语表现,为的是更好地促进谈判的进程,同时也促成商业合作。