Abstract:This dissertation focuses on whether the current Business English curriculum can meet the practical needs of BE learners on the basis of results and feedbacks of needs analysis for senior BE students and BE graduates. Descriptions and evaluations on present BE course design in Zengcheng College of South China Normal University in Guangdong Province are carried out in this thesis. Because of few studies on BE course design in independent institutions, and the special geographical location of Zengcheng College, which is in Pearl River Delta, the subjects from this college are representative to some extent.
Needs analysis is conducted of BE students from class of 2007 and BE graduates from class of 2006. Two questionnaires are designed with reference to the model of Dudley-Evans and St John. The contents cover learners’ personal information, career information, the lack of relevant knowledge and skills, curricular demands, attitude toward current BE curriculum design and language learning information.
The results from two questionnaires reveal that most of the BE students and BE graduates are not very satisfied with current BE course design of which the shortcomings are revealed in study and in actual working situations. A potential defeat highlighted in these two questionnaires is that the core courses in BE major tend to become BE students and BE graduates’ lacks. And they cannot meet their needs in study and work, like business communication skills, language competence and business operation skills. The feedbacks call for great attention and continuous improvement on BE curriculum design.
Key words: needs analysis; business English; curriculum design
摘 要:本文通过收集和分析调查问卷的数据结果来研究现行的商务英语专业课程是否满足此专业学生的实际需求。作者选取了XX学院作为研究地点,原因是这样的研究在独立学院较少,而且该学院位于具有独特地理特征的珠三角地区,更具代表性。
此论文的研究对象是07级商务英语专业学生和06级往届毕业生,根据Dudley-Evans 和 St John的需求分析模式来设计两份调查问卷,内容包括学生的个人信息、职业信息、所缺乏的相关知识和技能、课程需求和学生对现行商务英语专业课程设置的评价。