中文摘要:随着中国改革开放的不断深入和成功加入WTO,我国与世界各国的联系也将越来越密切。经济全球化加速了我国企业的国际化进程,而跨文化谈判是我国企业国际化进程中重要商务活动之一。各种类型的跨文化谈判日益频繁,而跨文化谈判中的文化差异就越来越受到瞩目了。 受不同文化的影响,商务谈判风格差异很大。西方人往往把复杂的谈判分解为一个个较小的问题,然后再依次解决;而在许多东方文化中,谈判是采取一种通盘考虑的方法。因此,在国际商务谈判中,只有正确认识中西文化冲突才能更好的探讨商务谈判的策略,针对不同文化背景的商业伙伴,强化基于文化差异的谈判管理,正确处理文化差异,对于提高谈判效率是十分重要的。本文通过对比中西文化的某些差异,总结出跨文化谈判中迥异的思维和决策方式,从而帮助提高跨国商务谈判的有效性。
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
Chapter 2 Culture-2
2.1 Culture and Conflict-2
2.2 High-and-low Context Culture-3
Chapter 3 Cultural Differences in Business Between China and Western Countries-6
3.1 Harmonious Culture vs. Adversarial Culture-6
3.1.1 Ways of Thinking in Harmonious Culture-6
3.1.2 Ways of Thinking in Adversarial Culture-6
3.2 Ways of Thinking7
3.2.1 Unification vs. Antitheses.7
3.2.2 Systemic Thinking vs. Linear Thinking7
3.3 Concept of Time: Linear vs. Circular.7
3.4 Etiquette8
3.4.1 Attire8
3.4.2 Greeting.8
3.4.3 Negotiation Etiquette--Differences in Verbal Expression.8
3.4.4 Sending Presents.9
3.5 Differences in Ethics and Legal Concept.9
Chapter 4 Strategies for International Negotiation -10
4.1 Cultivate the Sensitivity of Cultural Differences and Establish Cross-cultural Awareness-10
4.2 Make Full Preparations Before Negotiation-10
4.2.1 Make Plans for Negotiation.10
4.2.2 Consider Strategies for Negotiation During the Preparing Process.10
4.2.3 Be Prepared for the Lasting of Negotiation10
4.3 Improve the Competence of Foreign Language11
4.4 Respect and Tolerate Different Culture.11
4.5 Improve the Legal Consciousness and Strengthen the Concept of Legal System11
Chapter 5 Conclusion-13