关键词:英语商务信函;七C原则; 语言与商务特征;商务信函技巧
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
Chapter 2 Principles of Businese English Correspondence-3
2.1 Overview-3
2.2 Clarity-3
2.3 Completeness-3
2.4 Courtesy-3
2.5 Conciseness-4
2.6 Correctness-4
2.7 Concreteness-5
2.8 Consideration-5
Chapter 3 Linguisitic Features of Business English Correspondence-7
3.1 Lexical Features-7
3.1.1 Accurate Word Usage, Professional Language-7
3.1.2 Abundant Meanings, Frequently Used Collocations-7
3.1.3 Correct, Strict Wording-7
3.1.4 Concise Wording with Few Modifiers-7
3.1.5 More Acronyms-8
3.1.6 Correct Use of Modal Verb-8
3.1.7 Positive Terms-8
3.2 Syntatic Features-8
3.2.1 Normal and Complete Sentences-8
3.2.2 Brief and Clear Sentences-8
3.2.3 Use of Cliché-8
3.2.4 Use of Conditional Sentences-9
3.2.5 Use of Passive Sentences-9
3.2.6 Use of Positive Sentences-9
3.3 Discoursal Features-9
3.3.1 Courteous Manner-9
3.3.2 Format Specification-10
3.3.3 Contextual Echo-10
3.3.4 Reasonable Arrangement-10
3.3.5 Strict Structure-10
Chapter 4 Techniques of Business English Correspondence-13
4.1 Plan your letter-13
4.2 Personalize your letter-13
4.3 Study your reader’s interest-13
4.4 Keep your language readable-13
4.5 Review your letter-13
Chapter 5 Conclusion-15