With the expansion of cultural globalization, the most outstanding part in globalization, countries make more communication with each other, using their own unique languages. Therefore, taboos in language or linguistic taboos have drawn much attention from people and the trend of these taboos is of greater importance. This paper aims to analyze the trend of linguistic taboos by comparing taboos in Chinese and English language from two main perspectives, taboos on topics and taboos on expletives. Based on the comparison, the trend turns out to be the convergence and the loss of derogatory sense. In a word, the trend of linguistic taboos, to a certain extent, represents the outline of culture development.
Keywords: cultural globalization; linguistic taboos; trend of linguistic taboos
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Linguistic Taboos-4
4. Comparison of Chinese and English Taboos-5
4.1 Taboos on topics-6
4.2 Taboos on expletives-7
5. The Trend of Linguistic Taboos-9
5.1 The convergence of linguistic taboos-10
5.2 The loss of derogatory sense-11
6. The Englightment of the Study on the Trend of Linguistic Taboos-12
7. Conclusion-13
Works Cited-15