Abstract:Humor is an indispensable part of people’s life; it can span the distinction of race, and gender, class. Today, American sitcoms with local characteristics are becoming globally popular through the Internet, television and so on. An increasing number of language researchers began to focus on the formation of humor by studying American sitcoms.
Based on the study of the formation of humor, the cooperative principle, this essay study how the humor is conveyed by violating the cooperative principle through the sitcom Friends. Not only can it make people aware of the importance of how humor is conveyed, but also it can improve the understanding of the non-native speakers about the American humor.
Key words: Humor; Cooperative principle; Violating the cooperative principle
2.-Literature Review-5
2.1 The Definition and Classification of Humor-5
2.1.1 The Definition of Humor-6
2.1.2 The Classification of Humor-7
2.2 Humor Research by Violating the CP-8
3. Theoretical basis-9
3.1 Introduction of Cooperative Principle-9
3.2 Classification of Cooperative Principle-10
3.2.1 The Maxim of Quantity-11
3.2.2 The Maxim of Quality-11
3.2.3 The Maxim of Relation-12
3.2.4 The Maxim of Manner-13
3.3.2 Function of Violating the CP-15
4. Data Analysis and Discussion-17
4.1 Violating the Principle of Quantity in CP-18
4. 2 Violating the Principle of Quality in CP-18
4. 3 Violating the Principle of Relation in CP-19
5. Conclusions-20