Abstract: Vagueness is a widely existing phenomenon in human language communication. Vagueness in language is not the impedient factor of communication. On the contrary, it maintains communication in proper operation, and also builds up the flexibility and diversity of language expressing. As the basic carrier of diplomatic activities, diplomatic language has to be tactical and polite, and vague language ensures this requirement. This paper tends to explain the importance of vague language in diplomatic activities by analyzing pragmatic vagueness and the characteristics of diplomatic language.
Key words: Vague language, pragmatics, pragmatic vagueness, diplomatic language
摘要: 模糊性广泛存在于人类语言交际中的语言现象。语言的模糊性并不是制造交际障碍的因素。相反,它保证了交际的有效运行,增强了语言表达的灵活性和多样性。作为外交工作的载体,外交语言需要讲究策略和礼貌,模糊语言保证了这一要求。本文通过对语用模糊及外交语言特点的分析来说明模糊语言的在外交中的重要功能。