Abstract: In the information age,English news plays a critical role in our daily life. It is one of the most familiar styles and has partially been the norms of the standard language. Therefore, reading English news is becoming a main access to the world information. As the essential part of a piece of English news, English news headlines are always in the first place where one’s eyes would stay. Both concise and vivid eye-catching, it uses simple writing to concentrate on the most essential and the most notable content, which requires the news title writing to be accurate, concise and vivid principles. The paper tries to analyze their lexical features, grammatical features and rhetorical features and propose some solutions to headlines translation with an aim to help readers better understand and appreciate English news headlines.
Key words: news headlines; language features; rhetorical features; translation strategies.
摘要:在信息化时代, 英语新闻在人们生活中扮演着至关重要的角色。英语新闻是人们最熟悉的文体之一,同时也部分地成为规范语言的标准。因此,英语新闻正成为我们了解世界信息的一条主要途径。新闻标题作为新闻报导的核心部分,是最具有吸引力的。新闻标题既简明扼要又生动醒目,它用简约的文字浓缩了新闻报道中最精华、最值得关注的内容,这就要求新闻标题的撰写符合准确, 简明和生动的原则。本文旨在通过分析英语新闻标题的用词特点,语法特点以及修辞特点并给出解决方法,以帮助人们更好的理解和欣赏新闻标题。
关键词: 英文标题;语言特点;修辞特点;翻译策略