Abstract: As the mirror of the society, language is a phenomenon that reflects our views and values toward the society; sexism in society is accordingly reflected in the use of language. Chinese is the most used language and English is the most widely used language. Sexism in both languages has engendered along with the rapid development of the culture and the society. It’s mainly taking a male-centric attitude, belittling, insulting and excluding women. The paper analyses sexism in terms of the word formation, word order and semantic collocation at great length. Then it analyses the language phenomena and points out its reason for causing the sexism, making people aware that sexism is not a separate language phenomenon, which can not be understood away from social and cultural background. Language is not just a reflecting of our society, it also exerts an influence on society. Social implications of gender discrimination reveal the essential relationship between sexism in language and sexism in society.
Key words: sexism; comparative analysis; language; main reason
摘要:语言是反应社会现象的一面明镜,性别歧视是可以通过语言折射出来的。而汉语是世界上使用人口最多的语言,英语又是世界上使用最广泛的语言。在漫长的社会历史文化发展过程中,英汉两种语言都存在着性别歧视现象, 对女性的歧视及诸多不平等的现象比比皆是。这主要是指把男性视作社会的中心,蔑视侮辱女性甚至使她们显得无足轻重。论文首先从构词、词序、词义等方面介绍了这一现象的表现形式; 接着分析了产生这一现象的原因,使人们意识到性别歧视并不能脱离社会文化背景而仅理解成一种单独的语言现象。语言不仅是一种社会现象的反应,同时也反过来影响着我们的社会。性别歧视的社会涵义所体现出来的就是语言中的性别歧视现象与社会中的性别歧视现象有着本质上的关系。