ABSTRACT:Nowadays, the phenomenon of fake prosperity in language teaching in China has sparked a hot debate. Many language learners who take part in exams such as IELTS and BEC find that it is difficult to get a high score in speaking and writing compared to listening and reading. In addition, many college students who passed the exam of CET4 and CET6 cannot use English appropriately, even though they have learned this language for over 10 years. The root of this phenomenon is that Chinese students always neglect the importance of achieving a balance between language input and language out in second language acquisition. This paper mainly analyses the reason why language learners should pay attention to the balance between language input and language output, as well as the important role of language input and language output in second language acquisition
Key Words: language input language output second language acquisition
摘要:如今,我国外语教学“假繁荣”现象十分严重,学习外语者比比皆是,可是实际数据显示我国学生在参加国外考试如雅思,BEC等考试时,相比起听力与阅读部分,口语以及写作部分的成绩偏低。另外,有许多通过英语大学四六级考试的学生感叹自己学的是 “哑巴英语”,所学的内容不会运用,不能与人交流。究其原因,是因为许多语言学习者在第二语言习得过程中,忽略了语言学习的本质,更突出的问题是割裂了“语言输入”与“语言输出”之间的关系,在外语学习的过程中没有给予两者同等的重视。有鉴于此,通过学习Krashen的语言输入理论以及swain的语言输出理论,笔者意图通过本研究揭示“语言输入”与“语言输出”在外语教学过程中的关系与作用及其两者间的平衡对二语习得产生的重要性,并借此提高广大外语学习者对此的重视程度。
摘要:语言输入 语言输出 二语习得