Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background of This Study-1
1.2 Significance of This Study-1
1.3 Structure of This Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Previous Study on Memetics-3
2.2 Previous Studies on Business English Contract Translation-4
2.2.1 Business English Contracts Translation Based on Stylistics-4
2.2.2 Business English Contracts Translation Based on Skopos Theory-4
2.2.3 Business English Contracts Translation Based on Pragmatics-4
2.2.4 Business English Contracts Translation Based on Functional Equivalence-5
2.2.5 Business English Contracts Translation Based on Adaptation Theory-5
Chapter Three Application of Memes in E-C Translation in Business English Contracts-7
3.1 Phenotype Memes and Genotype Memes in Business English Contracts-7
3.2 Translation of Phenotype Memes in Business English Contracts-8
3.2.1 Free Translation Meme-8
3.2.2 Excerpt Translation Meme-9
3.2.3 Omission Translation Meme-9
3.2.4 Free Interpretation Meme-10
3.3 Translation of Genotype Memes in Business English Contracts-10
3.3.1 Equivalent Meme-10
3.3.2 Equivalent-effect Meme-11
Chapter Four Conclusion-13
4.1 Major Findings-13
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study-13
Business contracts, as legal types of documents, play an increasingly important role in business activities, effective translation of legal instruments seems indispensable. Translation memetics is a general term for the translation itself and translation ideas, such as the theories, concepts, specifications, strategies and values of translation. This thesis is based on the clauses in business English contracts to study its E-C translation from the perspective of memetics. It is shown that all memes can be identified as two categories, genotype meme and phenotype meme through the study. Furthermore, the former includes equivalent meme and equivalent-effect meme, the latter includes free translation meme, excerpt translation meme, omission translation meme, free interpretation meme and so on. This article does some analysis of examples, explores strategies that memetics can be used for translation of different memes, hoping that memetics can provide some methods in the application of E-C translation of business English contracts, improve its quality and ensure the smoothness of business activities.
Keywords business English contract clauses memes translation memetics