Abstract: Euphemism plays an important role in international business negotiations. It makes contribution to trust and understandings between two negotiation parties and sometimes it determines whether the negotiation will succeed. This paper uses qualitative research methods in accordance with three important theories, which are Cooperative Principles, Politeness Principles, and Face Theory to discuss the effect of English euphemism in international business negotiations.
Key words: euphemism; international business negotiation; Cooperative Principles; Politeness Principles; face theory
1. Introduction-1
2. English Euphemism-2
2.1 Definition of Euphemism
2.2 Formation of Euphemism
3. An Analysis of Pragmatic Function of Euphemism in International Business Negotiations-3
3.1 Brief Introduction to Pragmatics
3.2 Pragmatic Theories Related to Euphemism in International Business Negotiations
3.2.1 Cooperative Principle and Euphemism
3.2.2 Politeness Principle and Euphemism
3.2.3 Face Theory and Euphemism
3.3 Pragmatic Functions of Euphemism in International Business Negotiations-7
3.3.1 Evasive Function
3.3.2 Indirect Function
3.3.3 Cosmetic Function
3.3.4 Self-protective Function
4. Conclusion-10