Abstract: As a kind of lubrication of the interpersonal communication, business negotiator uses euphemism to state his opinion and wish, and express the requirement, so as to create the harmonious international business negotiating environment, which is helpful to the success of the negotiation. This thesis, on the base of introducing euphemism and its pragmatic function, analyzes the applications of euphemism in international business negotiation and concludes the effects that euphemism has on international business negotiation, in order to make euphemism better applied in the negotiation and push forward to the achievement of the negotiation.
Key words: euphemism; pragmatic function; international business negotiation; application
摘要: 委婉语是人们进行语言交流时的一种“润滑剂”,商务谈判人员使用委婉语来间接地陈述自己的意见和愿望,提出要求,创造出一种和谐的国际商务谈判环境,有助于谈判的成功。本文在介绍了委婉语及其语用功能的基础上,分析了委婉语在国际商务谈判中的应用方式,并总结了在国际商务谈判中运用委婉语的作用,以便谈判人员在谈判过程中更好地运用委婉语,促进谈判的成功。
关键词:委婉语; 语用功能; 国际商务谈判; 应用