Abstract: Business negotiation is an activity to achieve mutual benefits. In business negotiations, every related party would make the utmost efforts for its own interest, and all of the parties want to get the maximum income. For the business negotiation’s success and the achievement of the agreement, the Politeness Principle is one of the strategies that should be taken into consideration. This paper aims to discuss Politeness Principle’s influence on business negotiation. The paper first gives a brief introduction to the definition, functions and the secret of success of business negotiations, followed by an introduction to Leech’s Politeness Principle and its six maxims. Then the paper explores the influence of Politeness Principle by the analysis of sample sentences in business negotiations, from which the author finds the importance of Politeness Principle in improving the trust between negotiation parties, which finally leads to the increased success in the negotiation.
Key words: business negotiation; Politeness Principle; influence
摘要:商务谈判是人们为了实现交易目标而相互协商的过程和活动。在商务谈判中,谈判人员会竭尽所能的为自己争取最大化利益。为了谈判的成功和合约的签署,礼貌原则应该成为谈判人员考量的谈判策略。本文旨在通过研究礼貌原则,探讨其对商务谈判的影响。首先,本文简单介绍了商务谈判的定义、作用以及成功的诀窍,并详细介绍了Leech的礼貌原则及其六原则。其次,结合商务谈判实例分析探讨了礼貌原则在商务谈判中的重要性,并由此得出以礼貌原则指导商务谈判, 能够提高谈谈判参与者之间的信任度,从而增加谈判成功的几率。