Abstract:International business negotiation is a consultation process of commercial actives that refers to the cooperation and exchange between different countries and different cultures. People from diverse cultures have their own political background, religious believes and local customs and practices. As a result, negotiator will encounter communication barriers in international business negotiation. Therefore, how to tackle these barriers to reach a better communication is essential to the success of international business negotiation.
No doubt the language communication is of great importance, but it is just one way of communication. Authorities believe that, in face-to-face interaction, only 35% of the information is carried by words, all the rest is conveyed by nonverbal signals. (Larry A Samovar, 1981:201) David Abercrombie also points out “We say with our phonetic organs, but we talk with the whole body.” And sometimes the message conveyed by nonverbal communication is more convincing than that of verbal message.
This thesis is intended to go into some essential nonverbal communication skills in international business negotiation, emphasizing the skills of listening and observation, and performs to explain with examples, to insure the success of international business negotiation.
Key Words: business negotiation;nonverbal communication;listening;observation
语言沟通固然重要,但只是沟通的方式之一。有研究表明:在交际中通过语言交际所传递的信息仅占35%,而通过非语言交际所传递的信息高达65%。正如语言学家David Abercrombie指出的,“我们用发音器官说话,但我们用整个身体交谈。”并且有时非语言信息比语言信息要更具有说服力。