Abstract: International business activity is both an economic activity and an activity of cross-cultural communication. The success of international business activity can not only strengthen international exchange but also promote economic development. However, the cultural differences have such a great impact on international business activities that they may impede the smooth progress of these activities. This paper will discuss the obstacles in international business activities, then analyze the causes for the obstacles from the perspective of cultural differences and finally put forward some strategies to solve the obstacles in international business activities, with the hope of achieving success in international business activities.
key words: International Business Activities; Cross-cultural differences; Obstacles; causes; communicate strategies.
Cultural differences are the main causes for the obstacles in international business activities. It is an objective reality, which is gradually formed in the long history and thus can not be judged as advanced or backward. Foreign companies, when carrying out business activities in China, need to be localized; it is also true that Chinese companies, when entering the global market, should follow the international practice. The impact that cultural differences has on international business activities is obvious. This article has introduced the obstacles which will often appear on three typical occasions in international business activities, analyzed the causes for the obstacles from the differences in values, thinking, religion and the insights into equality and finally came up with three communication strategies of cultural differences in international business activities, that is enhancing cross-cultural awareness, mastering different communication styles and treating cultural differences rationally. Only by understanding the cultural differences and carrying out the strategies, can the international business activities achieve success.