Abstract:the former part of this paper aims to understand the feelings of the two poems by analyzing the art of language, background and writing style.In the latter part, the two poems are compared from writing style,writing skills and so on. Both poems are made to mourn friends. They are exquisite poems. But the difference of two poets makes the poems has different culture and history background, which reflects diverse writing style.
Key words: sadness; mourning; emotions
1. Introduction-1
2.The Analysis of Break Break Break-1
2.1 The Art of Language-2
2.2 The Analysis of its Emotions-3
2.2.1. Friendship-4
2.2.2 Thoughts about Losing-5
2.2.3 Thoughts about Life-5
3.The Writing Style of Victorian Period-6
4. The Analysis of Funeral Blues-6
4.1 Background of the Poem-7
4.2 The Analysis of its emotions-7
4.2.1 Love and Lose-8
5.the Comparison of Two Poems-9
5.1 The Comparison of Writing Style-9
5.2 The Comparison of the Background-10