This thesis is based on Xu Yuanchong’s and Arthur Waley’s Engligh versions of Guan Ju. It will compare the two versions from the point of Yan Fu’s most important translation theory——faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. Guan Ju is a folk love song for men and women in the Pre-Qin times that includes various details, such as flora, fauna, figures, motions and mental activities. Translations of all these things are sure to be compared carefully in the thesis. The difference between their versions is very obvious and representative. By comparing their translation style and characteristic, we can find Professor Xu Yuanchong believes in theory of “Three Beauties”. He pays more attention to the rhythm, gets to cultural connotation at the same time. However, Arthur Waley mostly apply approaches of literal translation and unmetrical translation because he does not know Chinese traditional culture as well as professor Xu does. That is why his version is relatively less accurate and beautiful than Xu’s. Therefore, we can almost conclude that Xu’s version better meets the demand of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.
Keywords: Guan Ju; faithfulness; expressiveness; elegance
1. Introduction-1
2.Yan Fu's Translation Theory—— Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance-2
2.1 What is faithfulness?-2
2.2 What is expressiveness?-3
2.3 What is elegance?-3
3.Compare the Versions from the Point of Faithfulness-4
3.1 Translation of nouns-4
3.2 Translation of verbs-5
4.Compare the Versions from the Point of Expressiveness-6
4.1 Translation of turtledove’s chirp-6
4.2 Translation of an overnight sensation and yearning between the youth-6
5.Compare the Versions from the Point of Elegance-7
5.1 Rhythm of Xu Yuanchong’s version-8
5.2 Prose-style of Waley’s version-9
Works Cited-12