This thesis mainly studies time concept of Chinese and Americans. The discrepancy of time concept mainly includes past-time orientation and future-time orientation, circular time concept and linear time concept, poly-chronic time system and mono-chronic time system. It analyzes the reasons and manifestation of time concept transition on behavior and mindset. Culture is always a system of being dynamic, open, changing, which is inseparable from exchange, communication, transmission with other cultures. Under the background of globalization, the transition of time concept reflects the trend of culture integration in China and America. With the development of social economy and cultural exchange, the time concept between Chinese and Americans are gradually integrated into each other, so as to analysis and correct behaviors to meet the need in cross-cultural communication. It further promote the development of cross-cultural communication.
Keywords: time concept; transition; cultural integration
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. The Features of Time Concept in Chinese Culture-3
3.1 Past-orientation-3
3.2 Circular time concept-4
3.3 Poly-chronic time system-5
4. The Features of Time Concept in American Culture-5
4.1 Future-orientation-5
4.2 Linear time concept-6
4.3 Mono-chronic time system-7
5. The Trend of Time Concept Transition between Chinese and American-8
5.1 The manifestation of time concept transition-8
5.2 The reasons for time concept transition-10
6. Cultural Integration Reflected in Time Concept Transition-11
6.1 Integration in behavior-12
6.2 Integration in mindset-13
7. Conclusion-14
Works Cited-15