Walden, is a household classic. It is written by Henry David Thoreau who is a typical representative of American Transcendentalism. It has been a masterpiece in American literature. Walden incontrovertibly enables Thoreau to win his spurs. The process of canonization of this book is directly related with American historical and cultural context from late 19th to early 20th century. Based on the construct of constructivism, it can be found there are three prominent forces furthering Walden to become one of the classics and likewise Walden retranslation bandwagon takes its presence in the literature sphere. The three extremely material forces are as follows: re-cognizance of canonization in American history of literature, evolution of Eco-criticism theory, pursuit of spiritual life in modern China.
Keywords: Thoreau; Walden; canonization
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review1
3. The Canonization of Walden in the History of American Literature.3
3.1 The re-cognizance of canonization.4
3.2 The re-constructivism of American history5
4. The Evolution of Literature Criticism6
4.1 The eco-criticism development in modern era.6
4.2 The matrix of natural writing7
5. The Reception of Thoreau in China9
5.1 Environment protection begetting attention to Walden9
5.2 Lifestyle changing: from material lifestyle to spiritual lifestyle10
6. Conclusion.11
Works Cited12