Abstract: Thomas Hardy is one of the most outstanding writers in the late period of 19th century. Jude the Obscure is his last long novel. Hardy portrayed the image of Sue in a dramatic and embellished way. Sue is clever and well-read, pursues individual freedom and is eager after love consistent in soul and body. She also possesses the consciousness of new women. Therefore, Sue is different from oppressed women in the Victorian Age, however, her resistance is not complete. Her attitudes towards marriage are rebellious and compromised; and to religion she is not only disobedient but transigent. Based on the discussion of Sue’s contradictory attitudes towards marriage and religion, this thesis analyses the causes of Sue’s miserable life from the aspect of society, family and Hardy’s ambivalent views on women.
Key words:Sue;rebellion;recession;incomplete;Jude the Obscure
2.Sue’s Rebellion and Concession 2
2.1 Sue’s Rebellion
2.1.1 Sue’s Attitude to Marriage
2.1.2 Sue’s Religious Opinion
2.2 Sue’s Concession
3.Causes of Her Incomplete Rebellion 6
3.1 Social Background
3.2 Family Environment
3.3Hardy’s Ambivalent View of Women
3.3.1Positive Aspects in Hardy’s View of Women
3.3.2The Limitation of Hardy’s View of Women
4.Conclusion 10
Acknowledgements 13