Abstract: This research is based on the author’s translation practices and materials from network or dissertation over these years. And relevant case study of political news report will be conducted in respective parts of the paper. Translation of political euphemisms sometimes can reduce the prejudice and contribute to diplomacy. This paper, however, provides a survey of the political news euphemism that concerns itself with a different function of disguise, incorporated with related theories of critical discourse analysis (CDA). The study investigates power and control covered up by political euphemism, and impacts of ideology exerted on social structure and social relations, it aims to help the E/C translation of political euphemisms so as to improve the translation of news English in Chinese newsprint, particularly in editing political news. It can also be helpful to readers in enhancing their critical thinking so that they can better understand the underlying truth under political news.
Key words: critical discourse analysis; political news euphemisms; euphemism translation
1. Introduction1
2. Translation of Euphemisms...2
2.1 Ideology and Euphemism Translation
2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis and Euphemism Translation
3. Critical Discourse Analysis in Euphemism Translation6
3.1 Analysis Based on Fairclough’s Theory
3.1.1 Three Dimensional Framework
3.1.2 Text, Discourse Practice, and Sociocultural Practice in E/C News Reports
3.2 Analysis Based on Halliday’s Theory
3.2.1 Systematic Functional Grammar
3.2.2 Three Functions to Analyze the Political Euphemism in E/C News Reports
3.3 Summary
4. Conclusion17