Abstract: Yan Geling is a famous overseas Chinese woman writer in the present age of China. So
far she has produced ten novels, over fifty novelettes and short stories. Her novels have
aroused great concern among us. Yan Geling’s novels mainly focus on women’s living
conditions from the female perspective, showing a lot of different female images.
The Banquet Bug is Yan Geling’s first novel in English. The four different kinds of
women in the novel have tragic fates. Through analysis of reasons for the formation of Yan Geling’s female consciousness, and through the interpretation of the four female images, this paper reveals reasons for their tragic fate and Yan Geling’s female
consciousness reflected in the novel.
Key Words: Yan Geling; female consciousness; The Banquet Bug; tragic fate
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Yan Geling
1.2 Introduction to The Banquet Bug
2.The Origins of Yan Geling’s female Consciousness2
2.1 Childhood Trauma
2.2 Twists and Turns of Marriage
2.3 Life Experience in Other Countries
3.The Tragic Fate of Women in The Banquet Bug.4
3.1 The Shaping of the Female Characters
3.2 The Causes of the Tragic Fate
3.2.1 Motherhood
3.2.2 Patriarchal Society
4. Conclusion.