Abstract: The Merchant of Venice is an important work of Shakespeare at the end of 16th century. The pursuit and praise of friendship, love and mercy are the subjects of this play. This paper aims to investigate the females’ values------the views of love and the views of morality in The Merchant of Venice, and analyze the factors that influence the formation of their values. It can be learned that, in the aspect of views of love, Portia’s value can be defined as non-materialism, and Jessica’s value as freedom. In the aspect of views of morality, Portia puts more emphasis on humanism, and Jessica has more weight in consciousness of rebellion. In the end, the causes of the two females’ values are analyzed. All in all, both of the two females’ values are positive, and their values keep pace with the development of the era. Meanwhile, the formation of their values is affected by family environment and social environment.
Key words: values, female characters, The Merchant of Venice
1.Synopsis of the Topic.1
2. A Brief Literature Review.1
3. Introduction.1
3.1 Historical Background——The Elizabethan Age
3.2 Introduction to The Merchant of Venice and its Female Characters
4. Analysis of the Females’ Values in The Merchant of Venice3
4.1 Analysis of the Females’ Views of Love
4.1.1 Portia’s View of Love----- Non-materialism
4.1.2 Jessica’s View of Love----- Freedom
4.2 Analysis of the Females’ Morality
4.2.1 Portia’s View of Morality----- Humanism
4.2.2 Jessica’s View of Morality ------- Consciousness of Rebellion
4.3 Causes of Their Different Values
5. Conclusion