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  • 更新时间:2017-11-07
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Abstract: Architecture is an integral part in our lives. Each building has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants, and enjoys its unique culture and regional characteristics. Especially ancient buildings are the national symbols of the wisdom and creativity of the people, and they are also the most precious historical heritage of its ancient civilization. They present different styles of architecture and stand for different beliefs. On the basis of the previous studies of the architectural styles, the paper will make a detailed analysis of the cultural differences between some Chinese and some Western architecture. Also the reasons that account for the differences will be analyzed. The paper ends with a hope that the study will be conducive for people to learn more about diverse cultures between China and western countries and have a better understanding of the Chinese and Western architecture. 

Key words: architectural style; ancient buildings, cultural differences





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review.1

3. Differences between Chinese and Western Classical Architecture2

3.1 Different Building Materials between Ancient Greek and Tang Dynasty

  3.2 Different Architectural Structures between Ancient Rome and Ming Qing Dynasty

4. Cultural Factors Accounting for the Differences between Chinese and Western Classical Architecture.4

4.1 Different Spatial Layout Cultures 

4.1.1 Chinese Enclosure Culture

    4.1.2 Western Upward and Square Culture

  4.2 Different Religious Cultures 

    4.2.1 Confucianism Culture

    4.2.2 Christian Culture

5. Conclusion



