Abstract: The Catcher in the Rye is the only novel by J.D Salinger, an American famous writer. This paper mainly discusses about the characters of the protagonist, Holden. First of all, I talk about Holden’s negative characters. He is tired of anything and anyone around him; He fails 4 out of five courses; He is with a mouthful of dirty words and behaves like he does not care about anything; Secondly, I focus on describing Holden’s positive characters, his kindness, purity and modesty. Thirdly, I analyze the reasons that form Holden’s contradictory characters. Holden does not want to adapt to the adult’s world but at the same time he cannot escape from the reality. He has always insisted on his dream: becoming the catcher in the rye. Many teenagers relate their life to Holden’s experiences in the novel and the novel also makes adults have a better understanding of the youth.
Key words: teenager; Holden; character; contradiction
1. Introduction1
1.1 Introduction to the Writer and His Works.
1.2 Introduction to the Novel
2. Holdon’s Negative Character.
2.1 Revolt of Holden.
2. 2 Holdon’s Cynicism
2. 3 Holdon’s Cowardliness and Passiveness.
3. Holden’s Positive Character
3.1 Righteousness and Virtuousness
3.2 Holden’s Considerateness and Kindness
4. Reasons of His Character.
4.1 Hypocrisy and Cruelty of Adults’ World
4.2 Purity and Naivety of Children’s World
4. Conclusion